Sith Sorcery

A Quick Note

The Sith Sorcery ability does not grant one the individual techniques and magicks if they are listed independently either here or as their own ability, similarly to Sith Alchemy. If one wants to practise a technique without tomes and books on hand with them, like in D&D in terms of a Wizard vs a Sorcerer, then they must train in that individual technique.  This also allows you to use a technique if you've never seen it before, given you have the correct texts and instructions, given that would be dependent on your raw skill in Alchemy/Sorcery. 

Something to quickly note is what happens if you have Sith Sorcery at Mastery, then you attempt to learn a new Sorcery technique. In that case, you can take that to mean you learn that Sorcery technique as if you had someone with Mastery teaching you, in terms of the relative cooldown reduction that comes with that. 

Techniques will be listed as a quick note above if they belong to Sith Alchemy or Sorcery. 

Begun Training to Skilled

1 Day Cooldown

1 Day Cooldown

1 Day Cooldown

1 Day Cooldown

1 Day Cooldown

Skilled to Proficient

4 Day Cooldown

4 Day Cooldown

4 Day Cooldown

4 Day Cooldown

4 Day Cooldown

Proficient to Highly Proficient

1 Week Cooldown

1 Week Cooldown

1 Week Cooldown

1 Week Cooldown

1 Week Cooldown

 Highly Proficient to Mastery

5 Week Cooldown

5 Week Cooldown

5 Week Cooldown

5 Week Cooldown

5 Week Cooldown

Mastery to Extreme Mastery

7 Week Cooldown

7 Week Cooldown

7 Week Cooldown

7 Week Cooldown

7 Week Cooldown

Extreme Mastery to The Mastery

 10 Week Cooldown

10 Week Cooldown

10 Week Cooldown

10 Week Cooldown

10 Week Cooldown