Name: Maris Drii

Rank: Sith Lord

Tier: Low 2

Background: Maris was born on the planet of Ratataki. At a very young age her parents were involved with a skirmish that they unfortunately lost. In exchange for their freedom, they surrendered Maris to be sold into the slave trade.

Upon reaching adolescence, it was discovered that Maris was Force-Sensitive. She was discovered by a Sith overseer who brought her to the Sith Academy. There she worked her way up the ranks despite her background as a slave into a formidable sorcerer and became a Sith Lord in her own right. 

Speed: Low C

Abilities: Mastery in Mental Shielding, Slicing, and Improvised Hand-to-Hand Combat. Highly Proficient in Deception. Proficient in Juyo, Pattern Recognition, Makashi, and Soresu. Skilled in Throwables, Zakuul Hand-to-Hand Combat, Survival Skills, and Dun Moch.

Notable Force Abilities: Extreme Mastery in Force Lightning. Mastery in Force Storm (Lightning), Chain Lightning, and Cloud Mind. Highly Proficient in Force Cloak and Standard Pre-Banite Sith Lord Abilities. Proficient in Mind Twist. 

Equipment: Single-Bladed Lightsaber; Sith Robes

Weaknesses: Maris does not like combat by any means, and for the most part, is extremely middling in close quarters. If forced to actually engage in a fight, she will prefer to take the engagement afar and use her abilities at a distance. Which while potent, are also vastly similar and slightly derivative. A good counter to Force Lightning will counter most of her ranged toolkit, and allow one to gain the upper hand. However, before that, one should try to fight her in the field of close quarters, as she is far less effective at that particular level of engagement.