Name: Aster

Rank: Knight of Envy

Tier: Low 2

Background: Aster is one of the Shard Bearers of The Knight and is one of Ashrani's Knight Commanders, specifically the Knight of Envy. She is a calm and collected individual, prone to grudges and would remember every slight against her. Aster would commonly try and manipulate the other people on Korriban, moulding them into what would best suit her. She would commonly doing this to Varon, as she stoked the flames of the Sith's anger and paranoia, making him more easy too manipulate.

Speed: High C Combat Speed | Low C Movement Speed

Abilities: Type 1, 7, and 8 Immortality. Superhuman Strength and Durability. Mastery in Manipulation, Deception, Martial Weapons, and Mental Shielding. Highly Proficient in Dun Moch, Hunting/Tracking, and Espionage. Begun Training in Sith Alchemy. 

Notable Force Abilities: Highly Proficient with Enhance Attribute; Skilled with Battle Precognition and Universal Force User Abilities. 

Equipment: Extreme Mastery with Argus Metal Scythe; Highly Proficient with Crossbow; Argi

Weaknesses: Aster is extremely prone to bouts of jealousy and over-confidence, to the point one can easily play them for a fool by exploiting such a character trait. Given Aster is a construct held in suspension of life by Ashrani, using Force Sever outright acts as an anti-life ability, being able to knock them off balance completely and cause significant problems for them. Electric-based attacks are recommended, given they cause a significant amount of physical pain. Aster can lose control of her limbs if they radiate far enough from one central area, and one should push an attack during those moments.