Name: Sev'aro'nuruodo

Rank: Sith Apprentice

Tier: Low 2

Background: Varon, full name Sev'aro'nuruodo, is a Chiss Sith Apprentice in the Eternal Empire under Darth Nihl. Though his bond with his master is still relatively new, he desires to learn as much as he can from this opportunity. Varon can be friendly or cold depending on the individual he is interacting with. He has an analytic mind keen on surviving the chaos of the galaxy by becoming stronger, smarter, and knowing the right people. He is strong with the force and prefers situations where he can talk or trick his enemies over a head-on confrontation. Though his youth leads to the occasional impulsive action, Varon is more likely to be plagued by indecision in his everyday life.

Upon discovering his ability to use the Force, he grew fascinated in the limits to his powers and to the extent to which he could grow them. When the Eternal Empire came to the new galaxy, Varon was a Sith Acolyte that came along with the planet. Since then, he has managed to become the Sith Apprentice of Lord Nihl of the Dark Council. 

Later, after Darth Nihl's capture by the Jedi, Varon would leave his tutelage, and instead seek a new master in Varmon Ashrani, the new Lord of Korriban. 

Speed: High D

Abilities: Mastery in Mental Shielding. Highly Proficient in Deception and Niman. Proficient in Improvised Hand-to-Hand, Dun Moch, Juyo, and Survival Skills. Skilled in Pattern Recognition, Zakuul Hand-to-Hand, Ground Vehicles, and Mechanical Mind. Begun Training in Slicing.

Notable Force Abilities: Extreme Mastery in Farsight. Mastery in Standard Basic Dark Side Abilities, Dominate Mind, and Move Object. Highly Proficient in Force Lightning, Protection Bubble, Force Pull, Force Push,  Sith Sorcery, Tutaminis, and Telepathy. Proficient in Force Crush, Force Healing, Force Valour, Force Barrier, Force Wave, Force Sever, Force Speed, Force Destruction, Cryokinesis, Sith Alchemy, and Force Body. Skilled in Force Drain, Breath Control, Ionise, Force Illusion, Force Kill, and Force Stealth. Begun Training in Chain Lightning.

Equipment: Varon’s Lightsaber; Warrior’s Gloves; Sith Acolyte Armoured Robes; Personal Shield Generator; HK Ring

Weaknesses: Varon is far weaker in the blade than they are in the Force, thus it is advised to press for a close-quarters engagement against them. They are likely to be overwhelmed by an aggressive close-quarters combatant. Furthermore, they have no skill in Soresu or Shien, so their blaster reflection/deflection is extremely poor; thus engaging with projectiles is a sure fire way to win an engagement. And while Varon’s Force viability is strong, a lot of these don’t function as well in a close-quarters scenario. As mentioned before, getting up close and personal would outright dismantle Varon as a fighter.